Improving Your Posture Can

Correcting your posture can dramatically affect your overall health and well-being. By using the POSTUREMEDIC® to help you loosen tight muscles and strengthen weaker ones, you will allow the rest of your body to work better.

General benefits of good posture:

  • Improves concentration and mental acuity
  • Reduces the pain in your back and neck
  • Increases your range of motion
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Provides better sleep
  • Reduces stress on lower and upper back
  • Improves muscle tone

Good posture helps the rest of your body work better:

  • Opens up your diaphragm, throat and windpipe, helping you breathe better
  • Improves digestion
  • Improves your circulation
  • Improves your blood pressure
  • Improves nerve signals from the spine
  • Improves cerebrospinal (brain stem) fluid flow
  • Promotes proper growth development in children

Improving your posture helps prevent these medical conditions from developing:

  • Reduces the likelihood of spinal conditions such as herniated discs
  • Reduces pressure to kidneys, stomach, colon and other internal organs
  • Reduces dizziness, headaches and “pins & needles”
  • Reduces the risk of osteoarthritis and other types of joint damage
man running